Selasa, 28 Mei 2019

Dictionary of One-word Substitution

Dictionary of One-word Substitution
By:Manik Joshi
Published on 2014-10-25 by Manik Joshi

One-Word Substitutes: A Word that is used in place of a complete sentence This book covers the following topics: (01). Related Words (02). Scientific Studies (03). That Which Cannot Be… (04). Types of Behavior (05). Types of Doctors (06). Different Instruments (07). A Particular Type of Place (08). A Particular Type of Person (09). Phobia and Mania (10). Connected With… (11). Country-Government (12). Types of States (13). Types of Statements (14). Money-Related (15). Other Topics (A). Professions (B). A Collection of Things (C). Act of Killing (D). Physical Appearance of A Person (16). Various One-word Substitutes Sample This: (01). Related Words 01a. A person who looks at the bright side of things -- Optimist 01b. A person who looks at the dark side of things -- Pessimist 02a. All the animals living in a particular area -- Fauna 02b. Plants and vegetation in a particular area -- Flora 03a. A government tax on goods brought into the country -- Customs 03b. A government tax on goods made within a country -- Excise 04a. A person who is more interested in others -- Extrovert 04b. A person who keeps himself to himself -- Introvert 05a. That which cannot be harmful or dangerous -- Innocuous 05b. Causing serious harm in gradual or unnoticeable way -- Insidious 06a. A person who is taking examination -- Examinee 06b. A person who examine the copies of examinees -- Examiner 07a. A person who talks too much -- Garrulous/Loquacious 07b. A person who eats too much -- Glutton 08a. To suddenly change direction -- Deflect 08b. To keep on changing direction during movement -- Meander 09a. Ability to know something on the basis of feelings rather than reasoning -- Intuition 09b. Ability to speak without moving your lips -- Ventriloquism 10a. To change a law in order to improve it -- Amend 10b. To correct the mistakes in manuscript, etc. -- Emend 11a. A person between 70 and 79 years old -- Septuagenarian 11b. A person between 80 and 89 years old -- Octogenarian 12a. Animals having spinal column -- Vertebrate 12b. An animal with thick skin -- Pachyderm 13a. Obeying rules and requests -- Compliance 13b. Open refusal to obey -- Defiance 14a. The state of being married -- Matrimony 14b. The state of being unmarried -- Bachelorhood 15a. A woman whose husband has died -- Widow 15b. A man whose wife has died -- Widower 16a. Things of different nature -- Heterogeneous 16b. Things of same nature -- Homogeneous 17a. A religious song -- Hymn 17b. A pleasant song used for causing children to sleep -- Lullaby 18a. To rise in value -- Appreciate 18b. To go down in value -- Depreciate 19a. A disorder in which person eats too less because of abnormal fear of being fat -- Anorexia 19b. A disorder in which person repeatedly eats too much -- Bulimia 20a. To increase the intensity of a disease -- Aggravate 20b. To go from bad to worse – Deteriorate 21a. A school for small children -- Kindergarten 21b. A student who has left school or class without permission -- Truant 22a. To free somebody from all blame -- Exonerate 22b. To free a person from a charge by verdict -- Acquit 23a. A co-worker in the same institution -- Colleague 23b. Equal in rank -- Peer 24a. An office with high salary but no work -- Sinecure 24b. A position in an organization without salary -- Honorary 25a. An assembly of hearers at a lecture or concert -- Audience 25b. An assembly of worshippers -- Congregation

This Book was ranked at 19 by Google Books for keyword dictionary one activity book.

Book ID of Dictionary of One-word Substitution's Books is dyKWBAAAQBAJ, Book which was written byManik Joshihave ETAG "tbQ/3/o5eV4"

Book which was published by Manik Joshi since 2014-10-25 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is and ISBN 10 Code is

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "53 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryLanguage Arts and Disciplines

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

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Book was written in en

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Dictionary of One-word Substitution

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